John Paul Dedic originates from a musician family, which is doing music since many generations. With the age of six years he began playing Piano and started to visit a famous music school in romania, where he could develop his music skills. In his younger days he founded his first own band . At first he tried to play his own music, but because of the financial aspect he started to play songs of famous musicians, which had a bigger demand.
Musical Vita
1977: Born in romania
1983: Musical education with the focus on piano
1995: Master degree at the music-academy as classic pianist
1992-98: Several performances as pianist in romania
1999-01: Engagement as musician in London
2001-05: Pianist in italy - performances with the Eros Ramazotti Band
2004: Jazz and Blues Festival in hannover
2005: Several engagements in germany with Jimmy Udy, bassist of Dyke Ellington and Charly. Pianist for famous hotel chains and restaurants like Käfers, hotel Interconti, Hilton, Kempinsky and many more.
2006: Big Band Auftritte in Paris und Lyon
Money is not the reason for me of doing music, it's just a support. The music is flowing for generations in the blood of my family - I just let it flow to live in peace and harmony!